Thursday, December 24, 2009
1)Class vs structure
2)static variable
3)const vs readonly
4)GAC ?how to register ?
5)Abstract class vs interface
6)Do interface has access modifier
7)Access modifiers?
1)type of consuming webservice
2)SOAP Component
3)Feature of webservice
1)composite key
2)last 5 records from table query
3)many to many relationship
4)groupby and having clause
Tarang Questions
1)Access modifiers Difference between protected and protected internals?
2)what is assembly?differenciate from namespace?
3)OOPS concepts (poly,Encapsulation)
4)Abstract class?
5)Virtual,New,this keywords
2)Upload control problem with updatepanel?
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
VS2008 Shortcuts
1) [VS 2008] Target Multiple Versions of the Framework
- Use .NET 3.0 to target Vista
- Use .NET 3.5 to get started with LINQ
- Project | Properties | Application Tab
2) C# Development Settings
- Share your settings
- Tools | Import and Export Settings
3) Add New Item
- [VS 2008] Categorical
- Filter-as-you-type
4) Class Designer
- Visual, high-level view of relationships in code
- Use it to explore the framework
5) Active File Drop-down (Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow)
- Jump to active files
6) Collapse to Definition (Ctrl+M, 0)
- Header-like view of code
7) Go to Definition (F12)
- Quickly navigate to the definition
8) GTD Navigation Stack (Ctrl+Shift+7, Ctrl+Shift+8)
- Virtual callstack
9) Find All References (Shift+F12)
- Number of references
- Cyclical
10) Iterate through List Window (F8)
- Works on any list
11) Find Combo Box (Ctrl + /)
- Go to line (Ctrl+G)
- Go to file in project (Ctrl+Shift+G)
- Help (keyword+F1)
- Mini-command window (>)
Tips for Writing and Modifying Code
12) Rename
- Entry points for rename (use solution explorer for file rename)
- [VS 2008] Support for C# 3.0
13) Code Snippets
- [Tab][Tab] to complete
- Surround With
- Download 400 more at
- [VS 2008] Property snippet is an automatically implemented property
14) Invoke Smart Tag (Ctrl + .)
- Never take your hand off the keyboard
15) Add Using
- Automatically adds using directives
16) Generate Method Stub
- Consume first, declare later
17) Snippets for Code Generation
- Functions
- Refactoring
18) [VS 2008] IntelliSense for Object Initalizers
- Filter as you initialize
- Ctrl+J for all members
19) [VS 2008] IntelliSense for Query Expressions
- Full understanding
20) [VS 2008] Quick Info for C# 3.0 Understanding
- Extension methods
- Var
21) IntelliSense Customization
- [VS 2008] CTRL for transparency
- Tools | Options | Text Editor | C# | IntelliSense
22) [VS 2008] Customize Formatting Style
- C# 3.0 Support
- Tools | Options | Text Editor | C# | Formatting
23) Customize your Context Menu
- Tools | Customize
24) [VS 2008] Debugging Query Expressions
- IEnumerable Results View
25) [VS 2008] Organize Usings
- Remove
- Sort
- Tools | Options | Text Editor | C# | Advanced
Clover InfoTech Interview Experience
1)Generics Are Type Safety?yes
2)WCF code name?Indigo
3)What is Contract,address,Binding?
4)Generate proxy for webservices?wsdl /out:myProxyClass.cs http://hostServer /WebserviceRoot/WebServiceName.asmx?WSDL
5)Sql dataReader bind to gridview?
6)Sql Datareader retreive 3 select statement how to iterate it?datareader.NextResult
7)SqlDataReader Record Count?No property Like that
8)WCF Hide particular variable in data contract?Decrate variable with isRequired = false
9)What are the changes on asp.net3.5 lifecycle?
10)Difference between updatepanel and Updateprogress?
11)Ajax problem recently you faced?
Monday, December 21, 2009 Interview Questions
1)Top 10 records using LINQ?--> use TOP keyword
2) select single record using LINQ?-->Single Keypword
3)WCF Address Same URL for contract?
4)Interface VS Abstract Class
5)two interface has same method how do u differneciate in implementation?
8)MVC Framework
1)Select all record using LINQ?
2)Ploymorpism without inheritance?
3)Do View affect insert/update/delete performance?
4)how to declare int variable to allow nulls?
1)do we can reset Identity Columns?
2)If before insert trigger fails wil insert wil happen?
3)how to access virtual method from abstract class?
4)how linq query is working?
5)store viewstate types
1)Datacommand Object?
2)Optimistic COncurrency?
1)Endpoint same Address?
3)Transaction In WCF
1)Dataset Difgram?
2)Sql 2000 vs 2005
3)Fn vs SP
4)usercontrol Delegate,Events
5)Types of WCF Bindings
6)Page Life Cycle
1)Ajax UpdatePanel and Triggers use
2)Script Manager
3)Params Keyword
4)why 3-tier Architecture?
1.asysncronous vs syncronous
2.IIS 5.0 vs IIS6.0
3.AJAX full form
5.with out creating proxies access webservices.